Excavate some hobobones on Facebook

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

so here's the deal

we have a website here. we have a couple of shows here. we have some free music here. we have some facebook love here. if you know anyone/anywhere we could play let us know here: hobobonemusic@gmail.com.
love always,

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

we're minerals (lower case attack)

hello friends.
can't wait to see you "in jumpsuit" (like "in person"....teehee) again. in the meantime me and skittles aka zekebonz aka josh with a soft "j," have been writing, practicing, scheming merch (cheap!) and making synth. recently our workload has included a tiny portion of booking. we look forward to bringing bonz on the road, but we need some help. we ask for no $ because of it's insane value (hehe), but your help. if you like us, let us know. find us on facebook, or grab some free music here. there's silly myspace and of course, keep checking back here until our sick website is breathing. also, we've got our mailing list in the works to give away free stuff. be excited, or at least fake it. we're minerals.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Get hoboboned FOREVER

Seeing that it has been some time since we've updated this blog, it just may be time to pick up the pace. We'll keep this short and sweet.



GET YOUR FREE hobobones MP3s [[[[HERE]]]]

hobobones.com coming soon..

Keep up with us and don't miss the next hobobones super show!
incase you missed us...............

...then was the ritual

Also challenge us on xboxlive GTAG: Ezekielson

[Thanks for the pictures: Michael Gray & Allen Lloyd; Video: Josh Threeton]

-The bonzbrigade

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Visual A.I.D.S.

this one is pretty simple. here's our early gift to you!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Upcoming EP details are here!

Hello and welcome all you hoboboners, we are here to bring you some intense super awesome information of the upcoming ep that we will be releasing within the next week or so.

All songs will be free to download, donations are always accepted. We ARE planning on having hard copies on-site at the show on JAN 22 at Tommy's Pizza ~10pm..2008 Demarco Blvd, Hammon, LA, which we will be personally delivering.
We hope you are at least a fraction of how excited we are for this
show and to finally share our musicalmagicalness.
the inevitable has arrived.

hobobones is : TJ Barends & Joshua Barends...........tj bonz & zeke bonz

1.) Visual AIDS
2.) TOYS
3.) Master Plan: Phase 2

All songs owned/written/recorded/mastered by hobobones.

we're looking at a good 10-15 minutes of audio pleasure, free of charge, from...yours truly.

the Galactic release of hobobones' Debut EP titled "Visual AIDS" is but only a few cycles away... ..BE PREPARED

be sure to check this blog obsessively and leave rediculously pointless comments over the next week or so before the show. RSVP for the show on facebook HERE
-zeke bonz (less than 3)

Friday, January 7, 2011

In the beginning.....there were bones

Me and Josh are super excited to finally share this project with you all. Mark your calendars. Everyone and your left mom should be there.

E.P. coming VERY soon!

Be sure to check out our facebook and add us on twitter!